The Self-Confidence Guide
- Team Bo+Tee
Building your confidence in the gym can be a journey so we spoke to our Bo+Tee ambassador Diandra Mejia (@diandramejia) who gave us the lowdown on all things self-confidence. She told us about how she built self confidence in and out of the gym, as well as sharing her best self confidence tips and even her go-to “shy girl” workout.
Excited to know more? Of course you are. Keep scrolling below if you want to know how to build self confidence as we pass you over to our girl Diandra.
Hey team!
Going to the gym can be nerve-wracking and I remember when I first started my fitness journey, I was a bit anxious about going to the gym too. But, I’ve learned some tips and tricks along the way to allow me to be more confident and I’m so honoured to be able to share them with you all!
Self-Confidence Tips
Tip 1: Show up the most authentic, confident version of yourself - whatever that means to you.
Believe it or not, putting on a cute gym fit and doing my hair and makeup has done wonders for my confidence in the gym. I know it can be a bit scary to wear bright colours, but there is something to be said about wearing vibrant colours that instantly boosts your confidence and mood. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you lift good!
Tip 2: Pick a fire playlist to workout to.
Music can make or break your workout, so make sure you’re listening to music that motivates you and gets that blood pumping!
Tip 3: Come with a plan in mind.
Deciding on a workout routine before you go to the gym will save you so much time - so definitely do this! There are so many resources out there if you’re just starting out and don’t know where to start, such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Follow Bo+Tee and me for workout inspiration!
Tip 4: Pick a corner in the gym to warm up and/or workout.
Walking into the gym can sometimes be sensory overload, so I like to pick a corner in the gym that isn’t too crowded to stretch in. By picking a space and owning that space, I start to feel more comfortable with my surroundings and begin to scope out what machines or free weights section I want to workout in. If the gym’s especially crowded or I don’t feel like walking all over the gym, I’ll stick to this spot to work out too!
“Shy-Girl” Glute-Focussed Workout (Dumbbells Only)
There are tons of “shy-girl” workouts available online, these are really good to follow while you’re in the gym so make sure to take a look before you go. I’ve actually created a very special “shy-girl” glute-focused workout that you can follow along with!
Have a look and note down the exercises before you head to the gym, or simply pull up this blog post while you’re there and follow what I do. Let’s get our bodies moving team Bo+Tee!
Exercise 1: Romanian Deadlift (RDL) 4x10
The first exercise is a Romanian Deadlift. You should do this movement 10 times before taking a short break and repeating 4 times. This means at the end of the set you should’ve done 40 reps in total.
Exercise 2: Goblet Squat 4x15
The second exercise is a Goblet Squat. You should do this movement 15 times before taking a short break and repeating 4 times. This means at the end of the set you should’ve done 60 reps in total.
Exercise 3: Triset (do all exercises back-to-back with no rest in between)
Triset 1: Glute Bridges 3x10
Start your triset with Glute Bridges. You should do this movement 10 times before moving on to the below exercise with no break.
Triset 2: Hip Thrusts 3x10
The next exercise in the triset is Hip Thrusts. You should do this movement 10 times before moving on to the below exercise with no break.
Triset 3: ISO Hold Until Failure
The final exercise is an isolation hold. For this you should hold your Hip Thrust at the top for as long as you can. Then, take a short break before moving back to triset exercise 1 and repeat another 2 times.
Exercise 4: Step-Ups 3x15 (each leg)
Once you’ve finished your triset exercises, it’s time to move on to exercise 4. You should do this movement 15 times on each leg before taking a short break. Then repeat the exercise another 2 times.
Exercise 5: Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8 (each leg)
Moving on to the final exercise in the workout, Bulgarian Split Squats - these are a burner! You should do this movement 8 times on each leg before taking a short break. Then repeat the exercise another 2 times.
And you’re done! Well done team Bo+Tee.
I’m so proud of you all for making steps to becoming a better version of yourself - whether it’s working out in the gym, at home or just being more active in general. The more you practice the easier it’ll become, any negative thoughts will soon disappear and you’ll gain confidence in all areas of your life, which will ultimately help you with achieving your goals.
Improving your self confidence is a journey but surround yourself with confident people who cheer you on and fill you with positive energy. I’ve got faith in you all, trust that you’ll get there!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach through my Self-Confidence Guide. I hope you’ve learned a thing or two from me, hopefully you now feel confident in your ability to start working out at the gym and continue on your fitness journey!
<3 Diandra
As always, remember to tag us @boandtee and show us how you style your workout looks - you might even feature in our ‘Tagged in Bo+Tee’ story! Make sure you stay in the loop with our latest collections and be the first to know about new releases by downloading our app today, or by signing up to our exclusive newsletter.